Hi! I'm Adarsh.

Welcome to My Protfolio, where I showcase all my projects.

Learn about what I do

Here's what I do.

Bachelor's Degree on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

I've done some minor projects that rely on the fundamentals of programming.

Innovation Engineer Trainee

I was an Innovation Engineer Trainee in Forge Incubators, where I learnt about IOT, other non-software stuff and built a Career Assistant Chatbot.

Software Engineer Trainee

Currently, I'm a Software Engineer at Exeterpremedia Services, where I help build NLP based systems for automating publishing workflow.

Here's some stuff I built.

Food Vision App

Identify 101 different types of foods from images. It was originally coded in TensorFlow.

Weather Classifier

Classifies if a given image is sunny, rainy, cloudy or sunrise. This app is deployed to the web using Streamlit. The code for the model used in this app was written in TensorFlow.

Career Assistant Chatbot

A chatbot which helps college students on how to get jobs in the current trending AI job market.

Google Images Webscraper

A python script that gets input from the user and scrapes the images of that input from google using Selenium and BeautifulSoup.

Have me make stuff for you.

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